Thursday, June 29, 2017


The footbal is one of the most popular sport,in more of the contruies and continents,because this sport represent to a million of peoples on the Earth.Represent to a black people like white people,and poor people like rich people for example.

Most of these people understand the footbal like a sport of the people and for the people,they lived the footbal with passion and happiness,really fans of their footbal teams,in the most of the case people  . For these reason also is a potent tool for the social control.

And other lot of people view the footbal like a rentable business,where the most important thing are produce more and more money,in base to a neoliberal ideology,they privatize all of the passion and happiness of the mayoritys and put it sold.The footbal clubs who in the past are of the fans now are controlated by businessmen.In chile,they are lead to the economic collapse to these clubs and in other cases they are stealed the money of the footbal clubs.

But still existed a minority who want to get back the footbal to the people,being the fans who controlled the club,including only a minoritary participation of the businessman,making more powerful the social part of the teams and the link with the comunity.I subscrive to this idea because i think who the clubs must be manage by their fans,who loves the footbal,no by the businessmen.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Ignacio Martin-baro whas a latinoamerican social psychology  (1942-1989) who born in 1942 in Valladolid,Spain to 1989 in San Salvador.

He is one of the most relevant theorist about the social conflict in america,especially in salvador,situated in central america,his contributions with the culture are very extended,publishing around 11 books and cultural articles. 

The importance of this autor be they teory,they propose a psychology vinculated with the social context and conditions of the people of central and south america.This "social psychology" understand the psychological situations of the individuals very related to the social context and the annormal conditions presents in that context.

They suggestion about how changes that reality and contribute with the mental health,are about make structural changes to the society for trascend the reality of opression,and in this changes the psychology need to take a position.

For me,they are a relevant theorist because his aport are very important for the understanding the relation betwen the psychology and the social context of latinoamerica,and tinking about a different psychology who aport to the social changes aporting they knowledge in function of the people and they realitys.   

                                               Resultado de imagen para martin baro

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

                                                                My Future Job

After graduate of my career,i want worked on the primary health system,like CESFAM,CECOF or public hospital's, directly interacting with the groups or the peoples who needed a psychological support.This kind of job demands outdoor and indoor intervention and participation,for worked with the group in their social context,like their neighborhood and their home.And also,i liked participate on the discussion and planification of public and social politics about the intervention on mental health.

Ideally,i want to work in the south of chile.Even though the salary are so important,i don't seek fortune,just only a salary who allow for sustent my life and the life of my family,i think who are things more important than money,like the passion of doing some activities that you enjoy,and living from that.

In that sense,i want to specialize in the psychology of the public and comunitary health,this because i want to practice a comprehensive intervention on the comunity,using my psychological knowledge in function of the social majoritys,and the more vulnerable people.

This are my "professional dream"related with the psychology,but also i liked to do a photographer,and travel around the word meeting different cultures,animals and buildings.This are my dream when i be tired and bored of the university,i like dreaming was being my life if i choose this way.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

                                                     The Music i liked

I think i can't describe me in base to just one kind of music, since i was a child I’m very versatile, i always listened a lot of artist and music styles, these are so varied and some of these are strongly opposed, like reggaeton, balad singers, blues,rap, colombian and argentinian cumbia, and another musician like deftones, morrisey, somes songs of radiohead, and another related musicians.

But,i have a preference for the rap music,especially the rap music mixed with blues or jazz.This mixed likes me because i tink who these are a good combination of the singing technique of some raper's singers and the sounds of the clarinet,and another instruments implicated on the jazz and the blues.My favourite musicians of this kind of rap are principaly the chilean musicians Matiah chinaski,Mente sabia crú and brous one and the american musicians l'orange.Also,I liked the social rap,these kind of rap are strongly related to social causes.

I think is necessary exploring differents tipes of music,of different countries and different styles because that supply to you a great vision and a great knowledge.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

 When i was a litle kid i didnt know what i wanted to study,but always i liked read different tipes of
 storys for childrens.Every times i liked the read.but i dont have a prefference o another class of tendence front a some job o career in the future.
Goes in the middle when i decided to study some tipes of carreers conected whit the social cences,and finalily i decided studied psicology,because these carreer give a great tool for social and individual changes.And I choose this university because i are benefactor of a scholarship,on the contrary i can't study in this university.
At the moment the university that's nices in this two years i have really good subjet,and another who aren't so good.
From finance my university,personal and familiar expense i must work in the weekend,and the university load sense more.
I like to have a job implicated in the social interaction whit these segment of people who didn't pay a  consult from a psicology clinical.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

                                                              Cristian Lifes

Mi name is Cristian Zuñiga,i have 20 years old,I born the 25th february of 1997.I born in the commune of san miguel,where i actualy lives.

My family is not so much extensive,we are 4 integrants:My two sisters,francisca and catalina and my mother veronica, and don't have close family,they are my world.

The school period what more mark me was the secondary school,in liceo manuel barros borgoño,located in the franklin neighborhood. In this place i lived a lot of experiences who make me grow like person.

Actually,I study psicology in Universidad de chile,i am in my second year of the career.I choose that career because is a important tool for entrust to the comunity

My favourite hobbies,in other words,my passion are follow to the Universidad de Chile Footbal Club. The "U". I'm are a big fan of this team since i was a child.

                                                    The footbal is one of the most popular sport,in more of the contruies and continents...