Thursday, June 29, 2017


The footbal is one of the most popular sport,in more of the contruies and continents,because this sport represent to a million of peoples on the Earth.Represent to a black people like white people,and poor people like rich people for example.

Most of these people understand the footbal like a sport of the people and for the people,they lived the footbal with passion and happiness,really fans of their footbal teams,in the most of the case people  . For these reason also is a potent tool for the social control.

And other lot of people view the footbal like a rentable business,where the most important thing are produce more and more money,in base to a neoliberal ideology,they privatize all of the passion and happiness of the mayoritys and put it sold.The footbal clubs who in the past are of the fans now are controlated by businessmen.In chile,they are lead to the economic collapse to these clubs and in other cases they are stealed the money of the footbal clubs.

But still existed a minority who want to get back the footbal to the people,being the fans who controlled the club,including only a minoritary participation of the businessman,making more powerful the social part of the teams and the link with the comunity.I subscrive to this idea because i think who the clubs must be manage by their fans,who loves the footbal,no by the businessmen.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Ignacio Martin-baro whas a latinoamerican social psychology  (1942-1989) who born in 1942 in Valladolid,Spain to 1989 in San Salvador.

He is one of the most relevant theorist about the social conflict in america,especially in salvador,situated in central america,his contributions with the culture are very extended,publishing around 11 books and cultural articles. 

The importance of this autor be they teory,they propose a psychology vinculated with the social context and conditions of the people of central and south america.This "social psychology" understand the psychological situations of the individuals very related to the social context and the annormal conditions presents in that context.

They suggestion about how changes that reality and contribute with the mental health,are about make structural changes to the society for trascend the reality of opression,and in this changes the psychology need to take a position.

For me,they are a relevant theorist because his aport are very important for the understanding the relation betwen the psychology and the social context of latinoamerica,and tinking about a different psychology who aport to the social changes aporting they knowledge in function of the people and they realitys.   

                                               Resultado de imagen para martin baro

                                                    The footbal is one of the most popular sport,in more of the contruies and continents...